What is Spontaneous Recovery in Psychology? Definition and Examples

spontaneous recovery

What is Spontaneous Recovery in Psychology? Spontaneous recovery in psychology refers to the unexpected reemergence of a previously extinct behavior or response. It can occur in both classical and operant conditioning. After a behavior has been extinguished, spontaneous recovery refers to the sudden reappearance of that behavior following a period of rest or time without … Read more

Top 20 Subfields/Branches of Psychology [Explained]

branches of psychology

Branches of Psychology Psychology is a fascinating discipline that has been evolving at a faster pace than it was in its initial development. As such, due to its complex depth and breadth, various different branches of psychology emerging in these modern days. Branches of psychology are commonly known as subfields of psychology, disciplines of psychology, … Read more

Operant Conditioning in Psychology: Definition, History, Experiment, and Findings

Operant Conditioning

What is Operant Conditioning? Operant conditioning is a way we learn based on consequences. It’s like a cycle: first, there’s something that happens (we call it a stimulus), then we do something in response (that’s our behavior), and finally, something else happens because of what we did (the consequence). In this learning process, there are … Read more

5 Principles of Classical Conditioning [Definition and Examples]

principles of classical conditioning

Principles of Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning is a learning theory where learning is an association between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned response. It is developed by the Russian and Soviet psychologist, Ivan Pavlov. The followings are the five main principles of classical conditioning. Let’s look at each of them. Acquisition Principle In classical conditioning, … Read more

What is Stimulus Discrimination? Definition and Examples

stimulus discrimination in psychology

What is Stimulus Discrimination in Psychology? Stimulus discrimination in psychology refers to the ability to differentiate between a specific stimulus and other similar stimuli and respond selectively to the specific stimulus. It involves learning to respond only to the original stimulus that is associated with a particular outcome while ignoring or not responding to similar … Read more

Stimulus Generalization in Psychology: Definition, Examples, and Vs. Discrimination

stimulus generalization in psychology

What is Stimulus Generalization? Generalization or stimulus generalization in psychology refers to the tendency for a conditioned response to be elicited by stimuli that are similar to the original conditioned stimulus. When an organism learns to respond to a specific stimulus, similar stimuli can also trigger a similar response. The more similar the new stimulus … Read more