Human Resource Management (HRM) – Definition, Objectives, Functions, Roles, and Importance

Human Resource Management

What is Human Resource Management (HRM)? Human Resource Management (HRM) is the strategic coordination and administration of an organization’s workforce to achieve its objectives. It encompasses recruiting, training, compensating, and retaining employees while fostering a culture prioritizing their well-being and safety. HRM oversees policy enforcement, ensuring compliance with laws and safeguarding employee rights and privacy. … Read more

The 4 Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM)

functions of hrm

Functions of HRM (Human Resource Management) According to DeCenzo and Robbins HRM is a process consisting of four functions – acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance. These components are related to acquiring people, training and developing them, activating them, and retaining them. Functions of Human Resource Management are also called components of HRM. Let’s explain each … Read more

10 Objectives of HRM (Human Resource Management)

Objectives of Human Resource Management

Objectives of Human Resource Management Simply put, HRM is a strategic approach to administrating people in the workplace. Here we will explore the 10 major objectives of Human Resource Management (HRM). They are: Organizational Goal Achievement The strategic alignment of human resources with business goals stands as a pivotal objective of HRM. It involves not … Read more

12 Characteristics of HRM (Human Resource Management)

characteristics of human resource management

Characteristics of Human Resource Management Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic practice of managing people in the workplace setting. In this article, we will explore the 12 common characteristics of Human Resource Management. So, let’s get started: People-Oriented Human Resource Management revolves around the human element of an organization. HR professionals must possess an … Read more